A dozen or so herbs are known as excellent lung tonics. Licorice, marshmallow, pleurisy root, thyme, catnip, elecampane, ginkgo biloba, rosemary, comfrey, viola, cloves, and mullein are all good choices for lung health, whether used alone or combined.
When our lungs give us trouble, we know it immediately. In this post, let's concentrate on the best home remedies for asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and COPD symptoms.
If your lungs are congested or inflamed due to a virus, then please see home remedies for colds and flu.
I also have a post about using home remedies for coughs.
Mullein is a favorite home remedy for lung conditions and grows wild in the North Georgia Mountains. Mullein leaves and flowers are used to treat bronchitis, colds, flu, emphysema, and laryngitis.
Mullein tinctures, teas, and syrups help bring up sticky phlegm. Mullein is used to fight bacteria and helps inhibit the spread of flu viruses.
In cases of chronic respiratory problems, mullein should be combined with mulberry bark, cowslip root, elecampane, viola, anise, or thyme.
Mullein is considered a mild sedative and an excellent expectorant. When using mullein to treat coughs due to colds, combine with horehound and lobelia.
When using mullein in tea form, use one cup of water to two teaspoons of dried, crumbled leaf and flowers. Steep fifteen minutes and then strain through a fine cloth. Drink three to four cups of mullein tea per day.
As with all herbs, many small doses throughout the day are best. Honey and lemon can be added to improve flavor.
Read all about using mullein in home remedies here.
Irritated bronchial tubes, thick phlegm, burning sensations, wheezing, and coughing are lung problems that can be improved with herbal medicine and aromatherapy. Of course, serious issues with the lungs may require professional or emergency care, especially if breathing becomes difficult.
There are cases where aromatherapy and home remedies help heal the lungs when everything else fails. Thank God, common symptoms like coughing and irritated tissue respond well to herbal remedies.
In aromatherapy, the healing properties of essential oils are delivered right to the affected lung tissue during breathing. Essential oils, the basis of aromatherapy, help open bronchial passageways and make breathing easier. They also bring pain relief and healing to the lungs.
There are many conditions and diseases that involve the lungs. Asthma, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, collapsed lung, apnea, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, and cancer are some of the most serious.
According to the American Lung Association, lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women.
Symptoms of lung problems include coughing, chest pain, blood, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, unexplained fatigue, and rapid weight loss.
Causes include tumors, infection, smoking, air pollution, vitamin A deficiency, and suppressive over-the-counter cold and congestion remedies that don't allow the lungs to function properly.
The lungs are located inside the rib cage and are made up of spongy tissue. They bring in oxygen from the air and expel carbon dioxide (which is a waste product of cell metabolism) from the body.
The lungs contain air sacs called alveoli where the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanges take place. The lungs also filter out small blood clots formed in the veins and act as a surrounding cushion for the heart.
The body's nervous system controls breathing. Nerve cells also sense irritants such as pollen, smoke, vapor, dust, or mucus and produce a coughing response. Read more about treating smoke inhalation here.
Coughing causes air to be rapidly expelled from the lungs hopefully removing the offending substance. Coughing can be a good thing when the lungs need to get rid of phlegm, smoke, and food particles.
A mucous cleansing diet is great for the lungs and includes lots of citrus fruit, apricots, peaches, plums, fresh juices, lemon water, vegetables, salads, brown rice, yogurt, herbal teas, fish, and seafood.
Anyone with lung problems should avoid all dairy products except yogurt. Dairy is known to cause excess mucus and congestion.
Chest and lung problems sometimes occur after a traumatic emotional experience. Grief and sorrow can greatly affect the lungs.
Chest infections tend to strike when we feel down-and-out or depressed. A gentle chest massage can do much to soothe and heal in these cases.
Use good carrier oil like almond oil with eucalyptus oil, lavender, rosemary, or tea tree essential oil for best results.
With asthma, a person's lungs become inflamed. The airways become narrow and produce mucus which can make breathing difficult.
Asthma attacks are scary! Although herbs can help in mild cases, asthma should be treated by a healthcare professional. Severe asthma attacks require emergency care.
Oil of mustard is a given remedy for asthma. Dilute with vegetable oil and rub on the chest with gentle circular motions.
Some old timers swear that smoking leaves of the mullein plant can help. Use a pipe or rolling papers.
Most herbalists agree that aromatherapy, hot steamy showers, herbal baths, and even a cup of hot tea can help stop mild attacks. Many people with asthma use prescription medications along with herbal remedies to keep their attacks under control.
Coffee, green tea, and ginger can also help. Find out more about treating allergies with herbs.
Bronchitis is caused by colds, smoking, pollution, and other lung irritants. Symptoms include wheezing, cough, burning, and chest pain.
Many times the cough produces thick yellow phlegm and the patient may have a fever. Bronchitis causes an increased chance of respiratory infection so antibiotics are often prescribed by mainstream healthcare providers.
Inhaling eucalyptus essential oil vapors can reduce pain and loosen mucus. Put 10 drops in a bowl of steaming water and cover head with a towel while breathing in the steam for 10 minutes.
Mullein tea is also a time honored remedy for treating bronchitis. Drink a cup three times a day to soothe membranes.
An herbal chest rub can also bring relief. Mix 10 drops each of eucalyptus essential oil, peppermint essential oil, and thyme essential oil or rosemary essential oil. Add this to one fourth cup of olive oil and gently massage into the throat and chest area.
Tea tree or sandalwood essential oil may be substituted for any of these essential oils. In a pinch, you can also use Vick's Vapor Rub.
Studies done in Lithuania during 2021 show that over sixty different herbs were used to treat respiratory problems by the 29 different volunteer families that participated. These herbal remedies have been passed down thorough the years from generation to generation.
Historical evidence gathered during pandemics shows that herbs have played a big part in the treatment of respiratory disease and lung problems for thousands of years. The most effective plants have medicinal properties that work to fight virus, protozoa, bacteria, and parasite infection.
In Lithuania, the volunteers that participated in the study not only filled out mounds of forms, but they also advised and taught others what to do. Their lists of most useful medicinal herbs for the lungs included thyme, little-leaf linden, German chamomile, red raspberry, coltsfoot, fennel, licorice, sage, peppermint, and calendula.
Yes, this section is about scientific findings, but thank God that when the economy closed down and entire health systems collapsed, healing plants were still growing and rural people knew what to do!
Herbs and foods that contain high levels of flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenoids are good for the lungs and the whole body. A diet rich in plant nutrients really does help.
With COPD, asthma, lung cancer, and other lung diseases on the rise, scientists are looking into natural remedies for ways to treat lung inflammation and other lung problems. Natural remedies are a good place to start, especially when prescription medicine isn't able to help.
Compounds extracted from herbs have been shown to protect and heal the lungs. Astragalus and peony root are examples. Hopefully new treatments will be found for people with respiratory infection, asthma, COPD, and lung cancer.
Calm a bronchitis cough with plantain tea. Plantain is a cough suppressant and fights bacteria. Steep fresh plantain in hot water until cool then drink as needed.
Wheezing can be relieved with thyme essential oil. Breathe the vapors for a couple of minutes whenever wheezing is present.
Horehound, elecampane, Irish moss, horsetail, and hyssop are also good for lung conditions. They can be made into syrups to soothe irritation and to heal lung damage.
Elecampane is considered a good expectorant and lung tonic. It is restorative and warming which benefits weak lungs.
I like to keep elecampane tincture on hand. This amazing herb opens up the lungs and breathing passages quicker than anything I have ever tried.
Thyme leaves are useful as an antiseptic and expectorant for phlegm and dry difficult cough. Take an infusion, tincture, or syrup and combine with mulberry bark or horsetail.
Thyme essential oil is also excellent in a chest rub when mixed with hyssop or peppermint. Always dilute essential oils with a good carrier oil before applying to the skin.
A simple cough syrup can be made by combining a chopped onion with a half cup of honey.
Take 1 tablespoon every two hours. Cayenne, ginger, ginseng, or bayberry may be added for extra strength. Read more about using syrups and making herbal products at home.
In cases of bronchitis, a cleansing diet is recommended. Avoid dairy products, reduce fat and salt, and drink lemon juice with water throughout the day. Drink green drinks and eat onion, garlic, and honey on a regular basis.
Take an infusion, tincture, syrup, or suck on horehound candy to ease coughing and burning sensations in the lungs. Horehound can be combined with elecampane, angelica, or hyssop for excellent results.
Cowslip is another powerful expectorant, good for loosening old phlegm and easing dry coughs. Take a decoction, tincture, or syrup and combine with bloodroot or licorice for extra strength.
Everyone that suffers from bronchitis should stay out of smoky environments, avoid inhaling smoke, avoid cold air, and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Deep breathing exercises, hot saunas, brisk rubdowns, and chest and back massages are recommended to loosen mucus.
Witch hazel compresses are also an excellent treatment; alternate with hot and cold compresses for best results. The American Lung Association has some great tips for keeping your lungs healthy.
Reflexology has also been shown to help painful fits of bronchitis. Massaging the very middle of the instep of the foot can bring relief. Read more about reflexology and alternative medicines here.
Sometimes called Smoker's Disease, emphysema is caused by smoking cigarettes, inhaling secondary smoke, or breathing in air pollution. Bad diet, allergies, heavy metal poisoning, and poor circulation are sometimes contributing factors.
Symptoms include chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath, post-nasal drip, congestion, frequent colds, coated tongue, blue lips, bad breath, lack of energy, and frequent hacking cough, especially when speaking or exhaling.
Emphysema reduces oxygen intake and can lead to heart failure. The best way to avoid emphysema is to never smoke tobacco.
Smokers should quit as soon as possible. It is not easy to get off of tobacco, but it can be done. If you are addicted to nicotine or any other substance, visit my post about using home remedies to stop addiction.
Emphysema can be fatal, but the lungs can recover if damage is not too severe.
The first step is to want to quit smoking. Many towns have free health clinics that offer tobacco cessation programs.
Here in Blairsville, we have Healing Hands Community Clinic. They offer a free smoking cessation program that really helps.
Second hand smoke can also damage the lungs. Never smoke around babies, children, the elderly, pets, or anyone that is sick.
Vaping may also cause lung disease such as popcorn lung. If you experience wheezing, dry cough, shortness of breath, or any other breathing problems, quit vaping immediately. If condition doesn't improve, see your healthcare provider.
Herbs can help heal, soothe, and protect the lungs. Ginseng, licorice, comfrey, garlic, anise, mullein, and fenugreek are suited for treating emphysema. A combination of wintergreen essential oil and eucalyptus essential oil make a soothing steam bath.
Eucalyptus essential oil can often bring temporary relief just by sniffing the vapors. Basil essential oil, hyssop essential oil, and thyme essential oil may also provide good results.
Diet is especially important when treating emphysema and should include sea food, green drinks, and carrot juice.
Vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, B vitamins, and other anti-oxidants are useful dietary supplements.
Avoid red meat, caffeine, and dairy products.
Exercise can greatly reduce symptoms of emphysema. Swimming or walking can bring good results. Yoga is another option that can teach controlled breathing techniques.
If you want to quit smoking, visit Lung.org for more information.
COPD is the third leading cause of death in the United States.
COPD is a term that covers several lung conditions including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma. With COPD, the lungs have been damaged. The little sacs that fill with air become less elastic and quit deflating, leaving empty space. This makes breathing very difficult. COPD gets worse over time and there is no cure.
All of the herbs that improve lung function, including mullein, eucalyptus, and other time tested remedies, can be used to relieve symptoms of COPD.
This video explains more about the lungs and COPD:
*If blood is present when coughing, seek emergency help. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking other medications.
Blessings to you and yours!
*Note - the information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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