Alternative Medicine today

Alternative medicine is becoming more mainstream.

Healing arts can be combined with modern medicine to help protect and heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Crystal therapy is considered an alternative medicine.
Photo of polished and unpolished crystals used in crystal therapy provided by


Herbal medicine, crystal therapy, aromatherapy, light therapy, sound therapy, flower remedies, homeopathy, massage, and reflexology are some of my favorite alternative medicines.

Other alternative medicines include hypnosis, therapeutic touch, biofeedback, relaxation techniques, Reiki, chiropractic manipulation, Ayurveda, acupuncture, yoga, Tai Chi, and spiritual healing. They all show great results.

When combining alternative medicines with herbs and modern healing methods, you get the best of all worlds. It is called integrated medicine and is way more useful than any one type of medicine used alone.

Which alternative medicine is best?

Lots of things lead us to using one type of medicine more than another. Availability, price, traditions, and culture influence our choices.

I happen to live on a farm surrounded by the Chattahoochee National Forest, an area of abundant green herbs free for the taking. Of course I turn to herbal medicine for healing.

Use whatever you can for protection and healing. From the most basic herbal remedy to advanced medical procedures, find what works for you and your lifestyle, then choose accordingly.


Accupuncture needle
Photo of an acupuncture treatment provided by Wiki Media

Alternative medicines get results.

There are many alternative medicines that deliver excellent results, especially when used along with herbal medicine. Modern medicine saves many lives every day, but in some situations alternative medicines and therapies work just as good or better. Keep reading to find out more.

Crystal Therapy is a popular alternative medicine.

Crystals and gemstones have healing properties that are especially useful for gallbladder disease, kidney stones, asthma, pain, reproductive health, skin problems, and increasing muscle strength.

Crystal therapy is an accepted practice in many cultures. The stones may be worn or placed in the environment.

Placing crystals and other gems around your home is said to improve the atmosphere. The potency of essential oils is also increased when placed near a crystal.

Amethyst is good for any sick room. It has the ability to absorb huge amounts of negative energy.

Quartz is also a good choice. Scientists have proved that crystals can receive, store, amplify, and transmit energy.

Unpolished stones absorb more negativity than polished stones.

All crystals and gems must be cleaned regularly. Wash crystals in cold water and soak them in sea-salt water for a couple of hours. Let crystals dry in sunlight where they can absorb solar energy before using them for healing.

Aromatherapy is a good way to use the healing arts on a daily basis.

Aromatherapy is especially effective In times of stress. Schedule a massage and aromatherapy session with a professional aromatherapist whenever you feel overwhelmed.

A healing touch and the right aroma can make any situation better. You can also use aromatherapy at home to treat most health problems. Just a whiff of lavender essential oil can stop headaches and improve your mood!

Read more about using aromatherapy for healing.

If you have been reading my Every Green Herb blog for a while, then you know we grow and sell a variety of herbs, but we also buy a lot, too. Try our favorite herbal suppliers for quality and value.


Light and color therapy

Light therapy is a natural way to cure the winter blues and depression. It is also used to treat jaundice, cancer, eating disorders, insomnia, jet-lag, and addiction.

Different colored lights are used to treat different problems.

Color therapy is closely related to light therapy. Pink light has a calming effect. Red can speed circulation and raise blood pressure. Blue lowers blood pressure.

People that have frequent nose bleeds should not look at red objects for too long. Yellow can reduce pain and inflammation. Blue is used for treating burns and injuries.

Color and light therapy have been used for thousands of year, but Edwin Babbitt brought the practice to modern times. His work with color took both a physical and psychological approach to healing.

Use sound therapy for insomnia.

Sound therapy uses specifically directed sounds to treat insomnia naturally. Sound therapy also work to help ease heart problems, depression, and stress. Even just thinking about a sound can bring relief.

The sound of ocean waves curling over the sand, the whisper of wind in the treetops, and the crackling of a camp fire can help relax the whole body.

woamn shops for Bach Flower Remedies in astore
Photo of woman shopping for Bach Flower Remedies provided by Wiki Media

Flower remedies for emotional problems

Flower remedies are a lot like essential oils. Essential oils contain the physical healing properties of plants, while flower essences contain part of the plant's spirit.

To make a flower essence, place a perfect flower in a small glass bowl filled with spring water. Then set the bowl on the ground in early morning sunlight near the mother plant. After a few hours remove the flower (with a twig) and add the water to a small bottle half filled with vodka.

When treating emotional problems, place a few drops of your homemade flower remedy on your tongue, add it to your bath, rub it on your neck, or spray it on like perfume.

Use clematis for sleep issues, crabapple for self loathing or lack of confidence, and wild rose for bringing gusto back to your life. To learn more about flower remedies, visit the Bach Centre website.

Flower essences are often used with aromatherapy. They do not carry a fragrance but do contain properties that can be scientifically measured.


According to the National Center for Homeopathy, " Homeopathic medicines – known as remedies – are made from natural sources and are environmentally friendly and cruelty free." Homeopathy is based on the premise that like cures like.

Homeopathy pills and drops are taken by mouth. They are considered safe for everyone including children, the elderly, and pets.

I use homeopathy drops to cure poison oak rash and they work better than anything else I have tried.

Reflexology chart
I keep a reflexology chart handy and use it often.

Reflexology is more than massage.

Reflexology is my favorite alternative medicine. Of course foot rubs are wonderful, and when combined with reflexology, they are amazing.

Reflexology is based on the belief that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head that are connected to every part of the body. For example, the big toe is manipulated to treat headache, neck problems, brain injury, and the pituitary gland.

Detailed charts that show where to focus for best results are available at Acupressure Wellness.

*Dilute essential oils before use. Do not use essential oils in the early stages of pregnancy or on babies. Do not use essential oils on pets. Use only a few drops of essential oils at a time.

Do not take essential oils internally. Never use essential oils near the eyes. Before using any alternative medicine, always consult with a healthcare professional especially if pregnant, nursing, or taking other medicines.


Blessings to you and yours!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. Jan.

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*Note - the information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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