Plantain in herbal medicine

Plantain (Plantago) seeds and husks have high mucilage content and are often used to treat constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. The leaves are also very useful in natural healing - they make great ointments for treating skin problems.

Fresh plantain herb in a basket
Freshly harvest plantain plants - photo by Janice Boling at Payne Mountain Farms


Please note that I am writing about a broadleaf perennial that grows in most parts of the world. I am not writing about bananas or banana trees.

Plantain has many uses in herbal medicine.

Plantain is used in herbal medicine to treat sluggish bowels, to heal wounds, to fight skin infections, to reduce phlegm, to soothe urinary tract infections, to ease dry coughs, to stop bug bites from itching, and much more. Seeds, husks, leaves, and roots of the plant are all useful.


Plantain herbal tea
Photo of plantain tea provided by Wiki Media.

Plantain leaves

Use plantain leaves in a relaxing herbal tea for treating many common health problems.

Plantain tea helps relieve coughs due to colds and flu. Plantain tea not only soothes sore throat and coughing, but also acts as a gentle expectorant to help clear phlegm from the lungs and nasal passages.

Calm a bronchitis cough with plantain tea while also soothing the lungs. Plantain is a natural cough suppressant, and fights bacteria.

Steep about a cup of torn, fresh plantain in a quart of hot water for ten minutes. Drink as needed, or several cups a day. Don't worry about exact measurements, herbal medicine is not an exact science.

Plantain is also useful in the treatment of asthma, allergies, and hay fever.


Plantain is an excellent ingredient to add to herbal lotions and creams.

Plantain is a good addition to lotions, ointments, and poultices.

Use for skin inflammation, sores, bee stings, burns, hemorrhoids, and slow-healing wounds.

Plantain tea may also be used in gargles and mouth washes. Use regularly to treat gum inflammation, mouth sores, and fever blisters.

For added strength add a pinch of myrrh powder or a couple drops of tea tree essential oil.

Old timers used lots of plantain.

Plantain leaves were once used to prevent diaper rash. Fresh leaves were crushed and put in baby’s diaper.

Old timers also used plantain as a food source since it is rich in mucilage, oils, protein, and starch. The seeds were often eaten fresh off the stalk.

Science, plantain, and herbal medicine

Medical research confirms that the plant is good for many of life’s ailments including emphysema, bladder problems, bronchitis, fever, hypertension, rheumatism, dysentery, gastritis, peptic ulcers, and diabetes.

Plantain is used around the world to treat constipation, coughs, infections, fever, eye diseases, conjunctivitis, bleeding, inflammation, toothache, earache, halitosis, mouth sores, loose teeth, tonsillitis, asthma, tuberculosis, dysentery, hemorrhoids, stomachache, burns, and wounds.

Recent studies show that plantain has wound healing, antipyretic, antitussive, anti-infective, anti-hemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, astringent and hemostatic properties.

The plant contains high levels of triterpenoids, phenolic acids and flavonoids that provide benefits in home and clinical settings.

Plantain stops bleeding.

Plantain can stop blood flow and encourages repair of damaged tissue when applied to external wounds.

It has natural antibacterial properties that kill germs. Leaves may be used as a poultice on wounds, skin ulcers, spider bites, and snake bites.

Plantain poultices may also be applied to draw out splinters and thorns.

Use of plantain can help reduce scarring when used over a period of time.

Plantain ointment recipe

Plantain ointment is easy to make. It is useful for moisturizing dry skin and to speed up healing. Plantain ointment can be used on all skin types since it is very gentle. Here are the directions:

  • Mix one cup of plantain leaves with a quarter cup of olive oil.
  • Heat in a small, enameled pan over low heat until leaves are mushy.
  • Remove leaves, and stir a tablespoon of grated beeswax into the hot oil.
  • When beeswax has melted, pour into a jar or tin with a tight fitting lid.
  • Store in a tightly covered container.
  • Use within a couple of days, or store in refrigerator for longer shelf life.


Use young plantain leaves to treat diarrhea.

Young plantain leaves are astringent and make an excellent remedy for diarrhea.

Pour a cup of boiling water over a quarter ounce of dried leaves, steep for ten minutes, and drink slowly.

Plantain leaf tea is also used to increase uric acid excretion from the kidneys (which helps control gout).

How do I prepare plantain seeds for treating the bowels?

It's easy! Pour a cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of plantain seeds and husks. Cool and drink a cup several times a day. This not only relieves constipation, but it also cleans the digestive tract, removing harmful toxins from the colon.

Use plantain seeds for their mucilage content.

Plantain seeds are useful for treating sore throats, ulcers, and other irritated tissues (due to their mucilage content). Plantain mucilage coats, heals, and protects.

Just boil seeds in a little water, cool, and drink.

Plantain seeds are good for the whole digestive system.

Plantain seeds can be eaten raw, but be sure to chew well and drink lots of water.

Plantain is attractive growing along a fence or in a bed.

Plantain grows wild throughout Georgia and the Appalachians.

When spotted in manicured lawns, it is considered a broadleaf weed. Instead of spraying with toxic chemicals, let a bed develop into mature plants.

Plantain is not only a healing herb, it also is attractive to birds and other wildlife.

Plantain history

For centuries, plantain leaf poultices have helped wounds, sores, sunburn, and stings (just crush the leaves and apply to skin). Plantain soothes pain, speeds healing, and fights infection.

Plantain also has a long history as an ingredient in spring tonics. The first mention of plantain was in an Arabic book by Pedanius Dioscorides 2000 years ago!

Use young plantain leaves in salads.

Young, fresh plantain leaves can be used in salads. The older leaves are tough, but make healthy additions to soups and stews when finely chopped.

Plantain leaves are nutritious with lots of flavonoids, calcium, and vitamin A. Try stir-frying young leaves in toasted sesame oil. Add salt and pepper to taste and maybe a sprinkle of cayenne pepper flakes or fresh lemon juice.

Another way to get plantain into the diet is to lightly toss with olive oil, add salt, pepper, or other favorite dry seasonings, and bake until crispy. Much healthier than potato chips!

Add plantain seeds to homemade bread.

Plantain produces long, narrow spikes which rise well above the leaves. Each spike can produce up to 10,000 seeds (small, oval-shaped, and bland tasting).

The seeds can be ground and mixed with other grains when making bread.

Plantain growing in a lawn
Plantain grows wild on Payne Mountain Farms.

More about the plantain plant

Eastern box turtles love plantain. It is one of their favorite foods.

Plantain is known as White Man’s Footprint by American Indians. Legends say that the plant was brought to America by Europeans and followed the white men wherever they went.

It thrives around old homesteads, on roadsides, and in abandoned places.

Plantain’s roots help loosen hard dirt clods (especially Georgia red clay) while holding together soil particles to prevent erosion. Plantain can withstand heavy foot traffic and has no problem growing in compacted soils.

There are over 200 species in the plantain family.

Plantago major and Plantago lanceolata are the most common. Both have the same medicinal properties.

Plantago major has wider rounded leaves, with multiple flowering stalks while Plantago lanceolata has longer, slender leaves with a cone of flowers on the top. (The banana-like fruit known as plantain is not related to Plantago.)

Plantain grows wild in the North Georgia area.

Plantain grows in most soils and prefers full sun. The leaves form a rosette of large, dark green leaves that grow up to 10 inches long. The flower stalks are tall and slender with tiny brown seeds maturing in late summer and early fall.

Harvest young leaves to use as a spring tonic. Gather seeds and leaves in late summer to dry for winter use.

*Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy especially when pregnant, nursing, or taking other medicine.



Blessings to you and yours!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. Jan.

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*Note - the information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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