Warts, skin tags, and skin growths

Get rid of skin growths like warts and skin tags with natural remedies

man focusing a camera
Don't focus on skin problems! Use herbal remedies to make wart and skin tags disappear - photo provided by Wiki Media.

Warts may be treated with various herbs.

Everyone is different so try several herbs to see what works best.

Many times all that is needed is an overripe banana. Apply a soft piece of brownish black banana skin (inside down) to wart. Cover with band-aid for 24 hours. Repeat until wart is gone.

Sometimes lemon juice can remove warts. Apply mixture of lemon juice, sea salt, onion juice, and vitamin E oil.

Papaya skin or raw potato may also be useful for getting rid of warts.


Can I treat warts, skin tags, and moles with home remedies?

You can try home remedies on warts and skin tags, but do not try to remove a mole at home.

Diet is important.

The first step is diet. Eat lots of yellow and green vegetables, fruits, eggs, and cold water fish which are high in Vitamin A.

Foods that contain sulfur are also good. Add asparagus, garlic, onion, fresh figs, and citrus fruits to your diet on a daily basis.

Good diet can help keep warts, skin tags, and moles from developing.

Warts, moles, and skin tags may be caused by vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency, overuse of antibiotics, vaccinations, and toxic substances that suppress the immune system.


Witch with black hat and warts
Witches are often portrayed with black hats, warts, and moles - photo provided by Wiki Media.

What are warts?

Warts are single or clustered, irregular growths found on the hands, feet, arms, and other parts of the body. They vary in size but most are smaller than a pea.

Warts are usually due to a virus and can be contagious. They may spread if picked, bitten, or nicked while shaving.

Vitamin A can cause warts to disappear.

Vitamin A supplements may be of use in getting rid of warts. Vitamin A should be taken for six to eight weeks before results are noticeable.

Nothing seems to happen and then suddenly the warts will disappear all at once. Immunity building herbs like astragalus and ginseng are also recommended.

Try removing warts with aloe vera.

Some people find that aloe vera gel removes warts.

Other things to try include jojoba oil, cinnamon oil, grapefruit seed extract, nettle extract, garlic oil, garlic paste, castor oil, wheat germ oil, birch bark, basil leaves, tea tree oil, and dandelion stem juice.

Apply your natural remedy to the growth and cover it with a band-aid. Avoid contact with surrounding skin.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags are common benign growths of skin ranging in size from a pin point to a grape. They may appear to be hanging by a thin stalk and are the same color as skin (or just a little darker).

Skin tags usually appear under the arms, on the neck, on the eyelids, on the inner thighs, and on the chest area. They often do not appear until middle age and may affect women more than men.

Remove skin tags by cutting off blood supply.

Skin tags are different from warts in that they are not caused by a virus. The cause is unknown but some people believe they may be hereditary.

An old remedy for removing skin tags is to cut off blood supply. String is tied tightly around the base of the skin tag. It usually falls off within a week. Some impatient old timers just whack them off with scissors! This is a quick way to get rid of a skin tag and only hurts for a few seconds.

man with a mole on his face
Photo of am man with a mole on his face provided by Wiki Media.

What are moles?

Moles are discolored growths that are elevated above the surface of the skin. They are usually harmless unless irritated.

Moles that change size, shape, or color could be a sign of cancer. In these cases (or if a mole becomes irritated) a visit to a healthcare professional is necessary.

Never try to remove a mole at home. Unlike warts and skin tags, moles should be treated by a professional healthcare provider.

Science, plantar warts, and herbal healing

Plantar warts are common lesions caused by human papilloma virus. They are most often found on the heels, but can occur anywhere on the soles of the feet.

Studies show that a Chinese herb called Zijinding can help. Zijinding, with a combination of antiviral and immunological properties, works to heal the lesions. The herb must be applied at least two times a day for several months to see complete recovery.

More studies warts, skin tags, and herbal remedies

Greater celandine is shown to get rid of warts. This herb contains valuable medicinal properties that fight inflammation, bacteria, and viruses, and pain.

The milky sap, applied to the skin, is used to get rid of warts. Do not apply to large areas, just to the wart itself.

Skin tags are very common, with over half of adults developing at least one in their lifetime. They are more common in people over forty, people that are overweight, and people that suffer from diabetes.

Data shows that the incidence of skin tags in younger people is increasing. Skin tags are most often removed in a physician's office by snipping, cautery, or cryosurgery. These are low risk procedures, but bleeding may occur.

More information from Every Green Herb

Read about herbs for other skin problems like dryness

Read about treating acne with natural remedies

Read about herbs for eczema

Read about herbs for aging skin and wrinkles

Read about herbs for hives

Read about natural remedies to protect against skin cancer

*Only use one remedy at a time and give it a chance to work. Discontinue use if irritation develops. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy especially during pregnancy, while nursing, or while taking prescription medications.






Blessings to you and yours!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. Jan.

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*Note - the information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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