Jan's Herbal Medicine Encyclopedia and Blog

Every Green Herb logo
By Janice Boling, herbalist, writer, artist, & content creator


Every Green Herb is an herbal encyclopedia with tips for using medicinal herbs in everyday life.

Common health problems and herbs

If you happen to fall through the cracks, if modern medicine has let you down, if you are too broke to pay high doctor fees, or can't afford health insurance, then this is the place to find help.

Hopefully I can answer many of your questions about natural healing. Feel free to email me at hometown30512@yahoo.com.

Good crop of yellowroot in 2024

Yes, we sell yellowroot bundles! We also sell our own herbal tea blend and a few other items.

yellowroot bundle for sale
Yellowroot bundle for sale

Yellowroot $18.99 with FREE shipping

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Yellowroot (Xanthorhiza simplicissima) bundle

Each bundle contains approximately 4 ounces of yellowroot stems depending on drying time. We like to dry our yellowroot for at least two weeks to avoid the possibility of mold during shipment. This bundle contains enough yellowroot for at least 2 dozen cups of medium strength yellowroot tea.

Read more about the healing properties of yellowroot.


Herbalist Janice Boling with a mullein plant
Here I am with a large mullein plant harvested on Payne Mountain Farms in Blairsville, Georgia.


Join us on our journey as we discover new uses for the herbs God has given us.

Roses and fennel on drying trays

Help for common health problems

Get tips for using herbs, natural remedies, and essential oils to treat health problems.

large sticks of yellowroot

Medicinal herbs

Individual herbs are the basis of herbal medicine and natural healing.

Wild lettuce dripping sap

Herbal recipes & tips

General information for beginning and experienced herbalists

Natural remedies and alternative medicines

Herbs, aromatherapy, good diet, lifestyle, and modern medicine work together to keep us healthy. Home remedies are used to treat common and chronic conditions, but they do not take the place of modern medicine. Serious health issues require professional help. Thank God for good doctors and nurses!

It is easy to get started with herbs.

You can do it! Herbal medicine is an excellent way to take charge of your health.

  • Grow some peppermint, basil, and oregano in your kitchen window.
  • Try a variety of herbal teas.
  • Ask questions
  • Read all you can, watch some videos, and take notes.

Before long, you will have the confidence and experience to care for yourself and your family.

Every Green Herb & Payne Mountain Farms

Here on Payne Mountain Farms, we combine herbal medicine, prayer, healthy diets, exercise, and regular health screenings (including things like tetanus shots, colonoscopies, and pap smears) to stay healthy. You can do it, too!

Praise Jesus our Great Physician

"And God said, To every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life, I have given EVERY GREEN HERB for meat: and it was so. And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold it was very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day." Genesis 1:29-31

Payne Mountain Farms

Located in Blairsville, Georgia, Tony and I sell wild herbs and handcrafted products - all dried, produced and packaged on our family farm in the North Georgia Mountains. Inventory changes with the seasons depending on what is available and may also vary from year to year. Celebrating our Appalachian heritage where sustainable farming is a way of life, we appreciate our customers and promise to provide the best service, the highest quality merchandise, a secure shopping experience, and fair prices.

Payne Mountain Farms is a real place.

We are located in the North Georgia Mountains at the southern tip of the Appalachians. The farm is a real working farm, not a country estate or hobby. We are thankful for the land, and everything God provides including healthy food, clean water, beautiful scenery, and healing herbs.

Our family has many interests.

Writing, photography, organic gardening, sustainable farming, animal husbandry, timber management, hay production, cooking, preserving foods, back-yard chickens, beading, crafts, painting, reading, dancing, and multiple content creation projects keep us busy. For more information, visit our other websites.

https://www.paynemountainfarms.com (farm life in the Appalachian mountains)

https://www.janiceboling.com (art blog and paintings for sale)

https://www.dancingcalico.com (crafting ideas)

Blessings to you and yours!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. Jan.

Herb Articles by Janice Boling

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*Note - the information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

© 2005-2024 website design and content by Janice Boling

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